In "Working From Home, Property Concerns," we discussed a need created for persons who may be required to work from home. Such instances may require additional or special coverage to protect property that is used for business.
Besides property considerations, there should also be a concern over liability coverage. Insurance policies issued to protect living situations in apartments, homes and condos are designed for personal risks of loss, such as the following:
- Entertaining visitors to your home
- Protecting against losses suffered by persons invited to your home, such as repair workers
- Handling injuries to persons injured by a pet
- Responding to injuries others caused by conditions at your home or your premises
Yes, coverage provided against liability losses under a residential (apartment, condominium, or homeowner) policy are broad, but there is a significant limitation. Protection is directly related to personal causes of loss.
Example: Jeremy is an associate at an architectural firm. A visitor to Jeremy's home is seriously injured and he sues for his medical treatment, subsequent hospitalization, and rehabilitation expenses.
Given this information, this situation may involve a loss covered by residential liability insurance. But it depends upon the circumstances.
Scenario 1 - The injury occurred as above to a friend who was attending Jeremy's wedding anniversary party. This would be covered.
Scenario 2 - The injury occurred as above to a client of Jeremy's firm who was at a scheduled appointment to view models and plans for an office building. This would not likely qualify for coverage.
Of course, many more persons face the situation of increased work from home liability exposures, even though mitigated by it being due to following shelter at home orders. However, it only takes a single, serious loss to cause problems. Further, WFH will continue to be a norm for more workers as employers will see evidence of how effective it can be. Therefore, it will make sense to ensure liability coverage for work situations is secured now and in the future. The practical methods for doing so may include having to purchase individual coverage or have protection added to the policy currently providing just residential liability coverage.