24 Nov, 2022
Be A Common-Sense Host
Holidays and special events often include celebrations that bring together families and friends in homes across the country. Food, fun, conversations and spirits flow generously. Unfortunately, such celebrations may be accompanied by injuries and accidents, especially when alcoholic drinks are involved. Increased drinking leads to an increased chance for a personal tragedy and the consequences can be substantial.
15 Nov, 2022
Umbrella Insurance Features and the Risks it Won't Cover
The features of an umbrella policy can vary widely, and determining the functionality of the policy can assist you in considering what policy is best for your business.
08 Nov, 2022
Expectations of Hard and Soft Markets
Let's discuss how hard and soft markets can affect your business.
08 Nov, 2022
Introduction to Hard and Soft Markets
If underwriters do a good job of writing business with adequate rates and investors do a good job of investing, companies profit.
01 Nov, 2022
Worker Safety, Injury Causes
In this article, we continue to share examples and ways to improve dangerous situations.
25 Oct, 2022
Worker's Safety, Avoiding Dangers
In this part begin sharing examples and ways to improve dangerous situations.
18 Oct, 2022
Workers Compensation
The workplace is an extremely common setting for a person to be injured. The Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance Policy are used to provide insurance coverage that usually involves paying for medical treatment and disability and handles lawsuits from injured workers.
04 Oct, 2022
Do You Need Employment Practices Liability Insurance?
Coverage to protect you against many employment-related claims is available, known as Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI).
22 Sep, 2022
Different Commercial Umbrella Policy Types
Did you know there are different commercial umbrella policy types? This blog explores the different types of commercial policy types. Call and speak to a Trusted INSURENEX team member to discuss what commercial umbrella policy best fits your business needs.
05 Jul, 2022
Worker Safety, Overview
A major element that defines whether a person is an employee is if their time and actions are under control of another party. Since employers control where and when their employees work, they have a major obligation to make sure they are provided with a work environment that is safe.
22 Mar, 2022
Liquor Liability Coverage
Many businesses have the majority of their exposures against lawsuits covered by a general liability policy. However, business owners and managers often overlook their responsibility for losses related to alcoholic beverages. A typical liability policy for a business excludes losses that involve:
17 Feb, 2022
Worker Safety, More Corrective Action
In this article, we continue to share examples and ways to improve dangerous situations.
15 Feb, 2022
Worker Safety
In Worker Safety, Overview we discussed the importance of addressing slips and falls by employees. In this part begin sharing examples and ways to improve dangerous situations.
27 Jan, 2022
Umbrella Vs. Excess Coverage
A business usually will buy liability coverage for two chief areas. One is to handle its routine, premises liability. The second is to handle liability that is related to the actions a business performs away from its premises or that may address its professional-level obligation it owes to others while providing products, goods and services to others. A business that uses vehicles, mobile equipment, watercraft and/or aircraft must consider liability protection for those exposures too.
25 Jan, 2022
Policy Insurance Limits
If you examine the insurance policy covering your business, you'll see an insurance limit. For instance:
07 Dec, 2021
Certificates Of Insurance
Business transactions frequently require the valuable protection provided by insurance. A Certificate of Insurance is a document that is often requested as proof that adequate insurance exists. A certificate is not the same as a policy and certificates do not affect the coverage provided by a particular insurance policy. Therefore, requests to "endorse the certificate of insurance" are inappropriate and misleading. A certificate is a separate document that is used to comply with a common contract requirement to verify certain types and amounts of insurance.
08 Nov, 2021
Restaurants and Viruses
A restaurant may have greater exposure to a virus or infectious disease simply because patrons remain on the premises longer than most businesses. Plus, food is typically handled by cooking assistants, cooks, and servers before making it to the customer's table. Restaurant employees' touch many surfaces, creating many opportunities for viral infection.